Apollo 13 - Full Mission Videos

Created by "Lunar Module 5" (Simon from Wales/UK), Apollo 13 Full Mission videos cover the air-to-ground communications between ground controllers and the astronauts in space during the course of the entire mission. As well as the audio, mission related video footage is used where available. To show the mission as it might have been seen, where video footage is not available, Orbiter Spaceflight Simulator is used to simulate the flight profile. Public Affairs Office (PAO) announcements are supplemented with the Virtual Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) and captions. Photos from the mission are used where appropriate. All this adds up to a video which portrays the real mission, as it happened.
Visit Lunar Module 5 website - Go to lunarmodule5 channel on Youtube.

Apollo 13 - Full Mission 01: Lauch

The countdown, launch and earth orbit ops for Apollo 13. The sequence ends with the audio of the post launch press conference.

Apollo 13 - Full Mission 02: TLI

The TLI sequence for Apollo 13. The sequence starts with TV test transmission over the States and ends after the TLI burn and prior to T&D.

Apollo 13 - Full Mission 03: T&D

The Transposition and Docking sequence starts with the CSM seperation from the S1vB and moves to the hour long TV transmission of the LM docking, interior views and the S1VB ejection.

Apollo 13 - Full Mission 04: Post T&D

The Post Transposition and Docking sequence starts with the CSM/LM combination after S1VB ejection and continues through a press event held earlier at Launch Control with Vice Pres Agnew and West German Chancellor Willy Brandt. Coverage continues in the beginnings of Earth photography and the setting up of the passive thermal roll.

Apollo 13 - Full Mission 05: End of Day 1

The last activities on the Apollo 13 spacecraft as day 1 comes to a close. The sequence starts with Earth photography, continues with some new computer inputs and concludes with the crew at bedtime and MCCs reports during the sleep period.

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